Fianzas de Inmigración de Nueva York

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¿Su ser querido ha sido detenido recientemente por el ICE en el estado de Nueva York? ¿Necesita fianzas de inmigración en Nueva York? En US Immigration Bonds & Insurances Inc., comprendemos que tan asustado debes de estar en este momento. Las leyes de inmigración pueden ser confusas y navegarlas solo puede ser abrumador. No necesitas pasar por este proceso solo. Como compañía de fianzas de inmigración de propiedad y operación familiar, comprendemos la importancia de la familia y permanecer juntos, así que comuníquese con nosotros de inmediato para obtener más información sobre el proceso de fianzas de inmigración y cómo podemos ayudarlo a usted y a su familia.

Confiable - Conocido – Compasivo

Nuestros servicios de fianzas de inmigración trabajan constantemente con inmigrantes y sus familias que buscan fianzas de inmigración en Nueva York y el resto del estado. A continuación se muestra una lista de centros donde aceptan las fianzas en Nueva York que deberías de tener en cuenta.

Street Address Room City State Zip Phone
130 Delaware Avenue Buffalo NY 14202 (716) 464-5800
1086 Troy-Schenectady Road Latham NY 12110 (518) 220-2185
4250 Federal Drive Batavia NY 14020 (585) 344-6500
26 Federal Plaza Room 9-110 New York NY 10278 (212) 264-4280

Fianza de liberación en el mismo día en Nueva York

Póngase en contacto con uno de nuestros fiadores para ver si su ser querido cumple con los requisitos de fianzas de inmigración y para comenzar el proceso de liberación. Incluso si no comprende completamente lo qué es una fianza de inmigración, le explicaremos el proceso y lo guiaremos en cada paso del camino.

Nuestro objetivo es reunirlo con su ser querido detenido lo más rápido posible. Sabemos que no deseas que su ser querido esté atrapado en un centro de detención por más tiempo del necesario, por lo que ofrecemos la liberación el mismo día con fianzas de inmigración en la ciudad de Nueva York y en otras partes del estado.

El tiempo es un aspecto importante del proceso de ciudadanía. Regálate el tiempo con la liberación el mismo día para que puedas comenzar el proceso de ciudadanía lo más rápido posible y mantener a tu familia unida.

Para comenzar, use el sistema de localización de detenidos en línea para localizar a su ser querido en uno de estos centros de detención de inmigrantes de Nueva York:

Cuanto antes tome medidas, mejor será para su familia a largo plazo. Si estás buscando bonos de inmigración en Nueva York, ahora es el momento de actuar. No lo dudes más. Le guiaremos a través del proceso y haremos todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para ayudarlo. Póngase en contacto con nuestros fiadores de inmigración a nivel nacional ahora para que podamos liberar a su ser querido de inmediato y reunir a su familia.


Lecturas relacionadas:

Fedelin Celestin
Fedelin Celestin
04:28 04 Jul 17
The best company ever. They same day I did sign all the paper work the same day they make sure my cousin release. They make everything easy for me. Thank you very much team of us immigration bonds.
Naele Gilchrist
Naele Gilchrist
23:28 31 Oct 16
US immigration bonds were absolutely the best they were super professional. When I was down and out when my husband was detained by immigration they were very caring , knowledgeable, and patient. I called them a thousand times and they were very empathic and helpful everytime I called. they reassures me that everything would be fine, and that they would help me my husband, and my children be reunited again. They did everything they could to get me a same day release. They exceeded my expectations. I would not recommend any company other than US immigration bonds. Us immigration bonds, under promises and over fulfills. They were a true blessing ! Thank you so much more
Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly
19:11 05 Nov 14
Jeremy Wolf and his agency have been a terrific resource for me as I delve into this foreign world of bonding a friend out of jail so he and his wife can work on his case on the "outside." Jeremy has been unfailingly polite and informative and his video regarding how to complete the necessary forms was a valuable tool too. The entire process was quick and relatively easy. I especially appreciated not having to deal with a jaded, impatient, figure--it-out-yourself kind of person when I was treading in really unfamiliar territory. My questions were always answered quickly and efficiently.I highly recommend this company in your time of need for quick, efficient and professional service with no attitude or more
Lashae Crowford
Lashae Crowford
22:29 09 Jan 18
very Helpful!! thank you
Patricia Howerton
Patricia Howerton
00:56 18 Nov 15
Jeremy Wolf, is compassionate and understanding. He has been there and done it with his own family, and together with his wife they dedicate their time and energy into helping other families come together. I know this because my husband was taken by ICE and his bond was set much higher than I could have imagined, having in my hands at any given time. ... With Jeremy, his wife and the rest of the team we were able to piece together the required 80% and set up a affordable and convient payment plan. It was a grueling process, at times I felt like I was going to loose all my hair, as I ran around selling homemade tamales, and had various other fund raisers going on, along with my husband being detained, I lost my home, my dog and my daughter and I pushed forward with the help and support of Jeremy and his team, if It wasn't for there hours of help and dedication, to put a previous bond for my nephew into action to help my husband, we wouldn't have been able to have him home for the Holidays. ... To Jeremy, Veronica, and Amber, who I spoke with often, and the other parts of the team who I was unable to catch their names, I THANK YOU, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!read more
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Children of Immigrants
US Immigration Bonds & Insurance Services helps to reunite families by supporting the Children of Immigrants organization

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