Tougher Immigration Laws in the Workplace on the Way
President Donald Trump has vowed to take a stand on immigration laws and control, focusing on prioritizing jobs and wages for Americans. He is in a straight path to “investigate all abuses of visa programs that undercut the American worker”.
US Immigration Bonds reports that the nation is likely to see a change in immigration laws and the use of professional and specialty occupation workers. New administration in the United States aims to reform legal immigration and put a tighter hold on “uncontrolled foreign worker admissions”. This relates directly to the H-1B visas, which is the program that is employment-based, non-immigrant visa for temporary workers.
The H-1B program allows for 65,000 temporary workers and 20,000 workers who have an advanced degree from an American university in a technology-related field to work in the United States. They are prominent in companies that depend on foreign nationals with skills in engineering and other technological aspects. The crackdown on immigration laws predicts that the H-1B program may not stay the same as it has been in prior years.
Employers across the country must also be ready for an increase in inspections and audits with regards to L-1 and E-2 visas. US Immigration Bonds assumes that the E-Verify process will be tougher and mandatory under the new immigration laws and changes.
If you are a company that is dependent on foreign labor, it is crucial to file for green cards if not done so already. Because of the new immigration laws to come, US Immigration Bonds encourage companies to take proactive action in preparing for changes.