Blog: immigration policy
How Immigration Policy is Shaping the Mid Term Elections
Is President Trump using immigration to sow seeds of division ahead of mid term elections? It’s not too far from the apparent truth.
What Would Jesus Do? What Does the Bible Say About Immigrants?
In a new article released by the Christian Broadcasting Network, 69% of white evangelicals have stated that they don’t believe it is American’s responsibility to house…
Would a Merit-Based Immigration System Work?
Would a merit-based immigration system work? That’s a very good, and slightly complicated, question that has no concrete answer – so, maybe. What we can factually…
Do Other Countries Have Immigration Problems?
Countries all over the world have issues with immigration. However, not all immigration problems are the same. Some countries actually have a negative immigration problem, where…
New GOP Plan to Punish Immigrants Who Use Welfare
The GOP plan to boost their chances to sweep midterm elections focuses on a new immigration rule that would punish immigrants who use welfare. This is…