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How Do I Post Immigration Bond?

How Post Immigration Bond

Each year in America, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency arrests hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants. Whether the immigrant remains in the country after their Visa has expired or they entered the country without documentation, they will likely be held in an ICE detention facility after an arrest is made. Fortunately, many of those who are arrested will be eligible for release through an immigration bond while their case makes its way through the court system. This process, however, often leaves loved ones of the arrested immigrant questioning: how do I post immigration bond and will I get an immigration bond refund?

For starters, it is crucial to understand that while many immigrants are eligible for an immigration bond; this is not always the case. In some scenarios, ICE is required to hold immigrants in mandatory detainment until their case is resolved. This is typically the result of an extensive criminal history or other factors that result in the immigrant being perceived as a risk to national security or the general public. This means that the immigrant is not able to be released through an immigration bond for any sum of money and they may remain in an ICE facility for several months to over a year until the court reaches a decision regarding their immigration charges.

Those who are not subject to mandatory detainment; however, will receive a bond hearing within a day or two of their arrest. During this hearing, ICE will set the amount of the immigration bond. Once a price is determined, an immigration bond sponsor can arrange to pay the sum and secure the release of their loved one immediately afterwards. The person who will pay the immigration bond is known as an immigration bond sponsor and they must make an appointment at a local ICE facility to pay the bond. The sponsor must be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident who is able to produce their original social security card and a photo I.D. along with the full payment of the bond in cash or with a money order. The immigrant will be released shortly after the bond is paid but will be expected to return for all future court hearings and appointments related to their case. If the immigrant abides by these terms, the sponsor is eligible for an immigration bond refund after the case concludes.

Because the cost of an immigration bond can be unexpected and expensive, many loved ones struggle to come up with the full bond payment. Luckily, this does not mean that the immigrant has to remain in ICE detainment for months. Instead, the assistance of a bail bond service or agent is sought after. The bail bond service allows loved ones to pay a small percentage of the total bond amount to secure the release of the immigrant from ICE detainment. They will also typically require a form of collateral to secure the bond, but this will not be collected unless the immigrant fails to abide by the terms of their bond. The fee paid to the bail bond service, unlike money paid directly to ICE, is not eligible for an immigration bond refund.

Still have questions, such as, “how do I post immigration bond?” or “am I eligible for an immigration bond refund?”. Reach out to our immigration experts today to discover how we can help.