Blog: Immigration
Will You Be Affected by Immigration Civil War?
In an age of fluctuating policies and torn loyalties, immigration has taken a front-row seat to the country’s political civil war. Now, immigrants are faced with…
Most Common Reasons Immigrants are Denied Citizenship
Prior to filling out an Application for Naturalization, or form N-400, it’s important to make sure you have all the citizenship requirements to ensure you can…
How to Deal with Culture Shock
Picking up your entire life and moving to another country can be exciting as well as very overwhelming. The fear of the unknown is always in…
New Research: Are Sanctuary Cities More Dangerous?
Sanctuary cities are often the center of a heated debate on US immigration policy and enforcement. The most common argument is that these cities are the…
How Immigration Changed Forever in 2017
Immigration changed in 2017 more so than it has in almost any other point in US history. It has been an interesting year to say the…