What Percentage of Bond is Bail?
Immigrants who are within the United States illegally can be arrested by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency with little to no warning. Afterwards, they will be held in an ICE facility or local contracted prison until either their case concludes in immigration court or they are granted release through an immigration bond. As the cost of a bail bond payment is typically unexpected, it can be difficult for family and loved ones to come up with the money in a timely manner. This leads many to turn to immigration bail bond services which only require sponsors to pay a percentage of the total bail amount to secure a release. Understanding what percentage of bond is bail can help these loved ones to come up with the funds prior to meeting with a bail bond service.
When an immigrant is deemed eligible for an immigration bail bond, they are also presented with its price. The price varies from case to case and is determined by the ICE agency or an Immigration Judge (IJ) after evaluating several factors. Some factors taken into consideration include method of entry into the country, employment status, family ties, community standing and criminal history. While some criminal charges may make an immigrant ineligible for a bail bond, less severe ones may only increase the price of the bond. The final price will usually fall somewhere in the range of $1,500 to $10,000, although extreme cases can warrant a higher bail bond amount.
After this amount is set, an immigration bond sponsor can pay the money directly to ICE at a local facility and the immigrant will be released shortly afterwards. For those that do not have cash in hand, a bail bond service is the best option. There are many of these services but be sure to choose one that is reputable in your area by asking others for referrals or by looking at their online reviews. From there, you can contact the company directly to discover any requirements that they may have, in terms of what percentage of bond is bail or their specific collateral requirements.
The percentage of the total bail amount that must be paid to secure a bond is usually at least 10% but may be closer to 20%. This means that loved ones can expect to pay somewhere between $150 to $300 for a bail bond that is priced at $1500. Keep in mind that there may be additional fees incurred, such as filing fees, and collateral is usually required. Collateral typically takes the form of the deed to a home or the title to a vehicle but can also vary based on the total amount of the bond. Although the fee paid to the immigration bail bond service is not refundable, collateral will not be collected unless the immigrant fails to abide by the terms of their bond.
Still have questions about how much money is required to secure an immigration bond? Contact the experts at US Immigration Bonds today to learn more about your case.