Are Immigration Sanctuary Cities in Trouble?
The fight for immigration rights rages on, and if certain lawmakers have their way, more will be detained and immigration bonds will see a surge of customers. The latest issue stems from immigration sanctuary cities. If you have never heard the term before, US Immigration Bonds has a quick recap of the issue.
Last year, lawmakers voted to prohibit local governments from limiting immigration enforcement policies. For instance, if city workers confirmed the illegal status of a resident, they should report it. There are immigration sanctuary cities that have disregarded those national laws and instead enforce their own laws. In San Francisco, city workers are not allowed to even ask the status of a resident. A blog that US Immigration Bonds & Insurance Service Inc. published a few months ago details the number of undocumented immigrants in California alone.
Since the sanctuary city bill passed last year, it hasn’t had the effect that some lawmakers had hoped for. Some cities are ignoring the requirement and continuing business as usual, San Francisco is among those cities. Now, lawmakers want to create sanctions on local governments in the form of cutting school and road funding until the laws are upheld.
Currently, San Francisco is in the grips of a struggle to come to terms with its immigration. If the law was to suddenly change, it might mean a lot of immigrants will be detained and immigration bonds issued. At the moment, there are no plans for San Francisco or other sanctuary cities to comply