Why the American Economy Needs Immigrants
There was an article published recently that stated that 70% of Americans believe that immigration will ruin the economy. There were no statistics as to what population of people were polled. There were no facts to back up this statement. It simply stated that immigration would the demise of the American economy. This is actually not the truth. Allowing more immigrants into the country and making it easier for illegal immigrants already in the country to become legal would in turn boost the economy in more ways than one. In a time when America is so far in the hole, we need all of the help we can get. So reality is the American economy needs immigrants.
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According to The Huffington Post, and their many sources, immigration reform would reduce the federal deficit by $2.5 trillion over the next ten years. For those that might believe that this is just liberals slinging numbers around to benefit themselves, the analysis was done by the conservative think tank American Action Forum. Second reason, deporting immigrants has quite the hefty price tag. According to CNBC it would cost $2.6 trillion over the next ten years to deport the 11 million illegal immigrants that are living in the country. Third reason, immigration would help secure Social Security. If more people are legal, more people are being paid fair, taxed wages, meaning more money gets pooled into Social Security. According to Gordon Gray, the director of fiscal policy at the American Action Forum, the immigration reform bill proposed by the “gang of eight” senators would save $410 billion over the next ten years. These are just a few ways that immigrants benefit the economy, and there are countless more like increasing the amount of jobs, raising wages for native born citizens, and increasing the GDP.
An analysis of George W. Bush’s 2007 immigration reform proposal found that it would cost $23 billion increasing public services with allowing more immigrants to become legal, and would bring in $48 billion in revenue. Politicians are notorious for stretching the truth, but numbers don’t lie.