10 Quick Facts to Understand the Refugee Crisis
To understand the refugee crisis, it helps to look at the refugee statistics worldwide and in the United States. US Immigration Bonds works with detained immigrants and detained refugees to get them released the same day as detainment.
After years of working the system, we have seen almost every conceivable situation. Here are the most important facts that US Immigration Bonds believes we should consider in order to understand the refugee crisis.
- Refugees undergo several high-level background checks, clearances, and interviews before they are approved to enter the US. There are 6 levels each refugee must pass before they can enter the U.S.
- Only about 50% of refugees pass the screening process. The refugee screening is the strictest screening process in the world.
- It takes roughly 2 years to complete screening.
- Since 2001, the United States has granted resettlement to 750,000 refugees.
- 3 million people have been displaced because of war, persecution or natural disaster.
- Immigrants receive no benefits when they arrive in the United States, but refugees are given food, medical care, housing, counseling and employment for the first 90 days of arrival.
- Refugees can apply for a green card 1 year after resettlement and citizenship 5 years after obtaining a green card.
- Sponsor agencies ensure that refugees find jobs. Most work in low wage jobs.
- There is no religious test administered. The current refugee ban is focus on countries with a Muslim majority, but the U.S. administration has said it has no base in religion.
- The United States government does not track refugees after they arrive. They simply become a part of the system.
At US Immigration Bonds, we believe that we must understand the refugee crisis in order to discuss it and work together to find solutions.