Immigration Reform Puts Government on Brink of Shut Down
Back in 2013 Republicans in Congress did not agree with passing a health care bill and it lead to a government shutdown. Now, again in 2014, there is talk of the same thing happening again, but with immigration reform being the cause. Republicans and Democrats alike are up in arms wit the way immigration reform is being approached, but for far different reasons.
President Obama has said that he is going to take unilateral action on the issue because of the lack of support he has had from Congress, but what exactly he plans to do has not yet been released to the public. House Republicans have started making threats that if he does take unilateral action they will indeed block his funding in order to prevent him from taking said unilateral action.
Representative of Florida and Chairwoman of the Democratic National Convention Debbie Wasserman Schultz said recently that, “They’re willing to treat people who simply want to make a better way of life for themselves and their families inhumanely and use their Tea Party ideology to beat the president into submission if they don’t get their way.” Whereas Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who is a republican, had this to say in a letter written to Obama, “If indeed you move forward on such a decision, I believe it will close the door on any chance of making progress on immigration reform in the foreseeable future.” The decision he is referencing is the decision to take unilateral action on the issue. It is because of the divide into opinions like both of these that are far polar opposites that little to nothing has been done in terms of immigration reform. If people were to look at this as an issue of other human beings, and not just a partisan issue, surely something would be done, and probably very quickly.
All in all White House Officials have said that despite threats from Republicans President Obama is still going to go through and use his executive action. They also have said that he has promised to reveal his intentions soon.