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The Different Types of Immigration Bail Bonds

If your friend or loved one has been arrested and detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency for immigration reasons, you will more than likely become appointed to an immigration judge who will set an amount for an immigration bail bond. You will need to find an immigration bond provider in order to have your loved one released from detainment until their court appearance. Immigration bonds are only available to detainees who meet certain qualifications and there is a whole immigration bail bond process. ICE is a government agency that arrests and detains foreign nationals, and has the authority to release a person based on their personal recognizance. When an ICE official or immigration judge sets a bond amount, it will be time to explore your options.

There are two types of immigration bonds available to detained immigrants so long as the detainee is not a threat to national or public safety. US Immigration Bonds explains the purpose of each type of immigration bond:

1. Delivery Bond: An undocumented immigrant who has been detained by ICE may be eligible for a delivery bond based on the decision made by the ICE official or immigration judge. In order for a detainee to be released on a delivery bond, they must receive an arrest warrant and a notice of custody conditions from ICE. The purpose of a delivery bond is to ensure that the individual shows up to all of their immigration hearings while having the freedom to spend time with their family.

2. Voluntary Departure Bond: In some cases, detainees can be offered the opportunity to voluntarily leave the country in a specified amount of time, at their own expense. If the departure bond is paid in full to ICE, it will become refundable once the person has left the country; however, it will be forfeited if the detainee fails to leave.