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Will an Immigration Bill Get Passed?

It looks like House Republicans have finally decided to do their job and draft and pass a bill. The bill pertains to immigration, and it is getting strong reactions from both sides of the issue. Republicans, including numerous tea-party members, have showed strong support for the bill, which basically eliminates all immigrants’ chances of making it into this country. On the other hand, democrats and immigration activists are upset across the board. Republicans seem to think that their ancestors are far superior to the children fleeing to America today.

Two immigration bills were drafted. The first would modify a 2008 law, passed by George W Bush, that guarantees children coming from countries not directly bordering the US deserve a proper deportation hearing. This law was originally passed to protect children from being sent back to their home countries with human traffickers, and it is having unseen consequences. Some believe that this law is a blessing in disguise, while others want to get rid of it completely. The bill would also reimburse governors that deployed the National Guard to the border.

The second immigration bill would block Obama from basically doing anything. He would not be able to continue the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA, which puts off deportations for people that came to the US as small children before 2007. This immigration bill also prevents him from authorizing work permits for illegal immigrants. It appears the House Republicans, who have refused to do their job which lead Obama to taking executive action, are not happy that the President has taken executive action, and are trying to back track. If they would have done their job and passed a bill before the immigration crisis came to a climax, there would be far less issues.

Immigration activists are up in arms that bills like these are even being thought of. There is an overwhelming sense of superiority in the Republican Party, and everyone except republicans does not like it. They once again seem to forget that unless their ancestors are 100% Native Americans, they come from immigrants just like everyone else.