How Arizona Immigration Bail Bonds Work
If a loved one or friend has been detained in Arizona by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), it is likely you will be needing an Arizona immigration bail bond to get them released from jail. If an immigration bail bond is not acquired for a detained immigrant, it is likely he or she will remain in containment until their court hearing. In order to follow proper protocol and get a detained immigrant in Arizona released from jail in a timely manner, it’s best you know the exact steps to take to obtain an immigration bail bond. The following will explain what types of Arizona immigration bail bonds are available, how much immigration bonds cost and how to obtain an immigration bail bond.
Types of Arizona Immigration Bonds – There are two different types of immigration bail bonds that are available for detained illegal aliens – Delivery bond and voluntary departure bond. These bonds can only be obtained for illegal immigrants that ICE considers to not be a threat to national security or public safety. Also, a detained illegal alien must not be considered by ICE to be a “flight-risk” in order to be eligible for an Arizona immigration bail bond.
- Delivery bond – A delivery bond may be issued to a detained illegal alien in Arizona by an ICE agent and immigration judge. This bond can be available to a detained immigrant that has orders to appear in court in the near future. An Arizona delivery bond gives the detained illegal alien time to spend with family and friends and also time to consult with a lawyer. If a friend or loved one chooses to use an immigration bail bondsman to fund a delivery bond, he or she will be held accountable for making sure the illegal alien is present at any and all court appearances after being released from an Arizona ICE detention center.
- Voluntary departure bond – Under certain circumstances, ICE may offer an illegal immigrant a voluntary departure bond, which allows the detained illegal alien the opportunity to leave the United States by a specific date for a specific amount of money. Once the voluntary departure bond has been paid in full to ICE and the illegal alien has left the country, the bond is refunded to the family. If the illegal immigrant fails to leave the country, the voluntary departure bond is forfeited to ICE.
How Much Does an Arizona Immigration Bond Cost? – ICE and immigration judges set bond amounts according to a detained illegal immigrant’s criminal, family and employment history in the United States. At a minimum, Arizona immigration bonds usually cost $1,500 for a delivery bond and $500 for a departure bond, but increase from there if risk factors are involved.
How to Obtain an Arizona Immigration Bail Bond – There are two ways to acquire an Arizona immigration bail bond – surety bond or cash bond.
- Surety bond – Arizona immigration bail bond agencies offer surety bonds which usually cost 15-20% of the total immigration bond amount.
- Cash bond – If an illegal immigrant’s family or friends are able to pay the bond amount in full via cash, money order, cashier’s check or U.S. bonds, ICE will refund that money once the illegal alien has attended all required immigration court hearings.