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How to Find an Immigrant and Pay Their Immigration Bond in Atlanta?

Immigration Bond in Atlanta

When immigrants are arrested by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, it is not uncommon for them to be taken to other cities or states. This causes confusion for loved ones who believe that their friend or family member will be housed at the nearest ICE facility. Instead, they may be several states away from home or taken to a contracted prison. In turn, loved ones then begin to search to determine where the immigrant is being detained. This is also important when it comes for them to get released, whether through a bond or after the case concludes. If you believe your loved one has been relocated to an ICE facility in Georgia, learn how to find them and pay their immigration bond in Atlanta. 

The first step that you should take to locate an immigrant that has been arrested by ICE is to use the ICE online detainee locator tool. To do so, the searcher will need information like the immigrant’s alien number, first and last name, and birthdate. If the alien number is unavailable, the first and last name paired with a birthdate is sufficient. Despite this, it is common for names to be misspelled in the ICE database. If the initial search does not yield any results, play around with the spelling to see if this generates results. Likewise, it may take 24 hours after the arrest for the information to become available.

If 24 hours have passed and you have tried alternate name spellings without success, reach out to an ICE facility in Atlanta by phone. They may be able to provide you with information on the immigrant’s location. If not, try local prisons near Atlanta or near the arrest location to see if they have any records of transferring the immigrant to a different location. In most cases, one of these methods will reveal the location of an immigrant. Once you have exhausted all other methods, consider whether or not the immigrant is subject to expedited removal. In certain situations, such as when the immigrant has existing previous deportations on their record, they may be sent back to their birth country after the initial arrest. It may be necessary to hire an immigration lawyer to find answers if you are unable to make any progress.

Once the immigrant is located in an Atlanta facility, loved ones can inquire about their bond eligibility. If they are eligible for release on a bond, information like the cost will be provided. This money will need to be paid in order to secure the release of the immigrant from ICE detainment. This can be done by scheduling an appointment at a local ICE facility or with the help of a bond service. To secure an immigration bond in Atlanta with a bond service, loved ones are only required to pay a portion of the total cost. Typically, they will also provide a form of collateral like the title to a vehicle or the deed to a home depending on the price.

If you’re in need of an immigration bond in Atlanta, reach out to the leading providers in Georgia. US Immigration Bonds is happy to answer any questions you have about the process to ensure that you make the right decision for your needs