How Do Immigration Bond Services in Florida Work?

Throughout the country, ICE agents arrest hundreds of immigrants each day. Whether the immigrant is undocumented or their Visa has recently expired, they will be taken to a prison or ICE facility shortly after the arrest is made. In many cases, they are transported to different states to be processed and housed. For those who are eligible for immigration bonds, it can be difficult for family members to seek help in a different state. Discover how immigration bond services in Florida work.
Fortunately, most states operate similarly when it comes to federal matters of immigration. The process with ICE will be the same whether the immigrant is located in California, Florida or New York. ICE will first make the initial arrest and then process the immigrant into their designated facility. Around 24 hours after this point, loved ones are usually able to locate their loved ones through the ICE Detainee Locator Tool online. This will let them know where the immigrant has been taken so that they are able to receive information regarding their status and bond eligibility. If the immigrant is in an ICE facility or prison in Florida, loved ones should inquire about whether a bond has been set. If it has not, a bond hearing simply may not have taken place yet but it can also indicate that the immigrant is not eligible.
Although many immigrants are eligible for release on a bond, those with extensive criminal histories or those who are viewed as a threat to national security may be automatically subject to mandatory detainment. This means that there are no circumstances that will allow the immigrant to be released from the custody of ICE until their case concludes through the immigration court system. This process can be lengthy with average times falling anywhere from several weeks to more than a year.
Immigrants who are able to be released through an immigration bond have two choices when it comes to making a payment. The first option is to designate a friend or family member as an immigration bond sponsor who will visit an ICE facility to pay in-person. This person must be a legal U.S. citizen or permanent resident with an original social security card and a valid photo I.D. Likewise, they must be able to pay the bond in full at the time of the appointment. Although this seems simple enough, bond sponsors frequently spend the entire day going through the process. It is not uncommon for them to run into problems at this point and afterward, when it is time for a refund to be issued. Because of this, many families opt to use a bond service in Florida instead.
A bond service presents loved ones with many options that ICE does not. For starters, those with costly bonds can purchase a surety bond. This only requires family members to pay a small percentage of the total price of the bond to ensure the release of the immigrant from ICE detainment in Florida. Those who are able to pay in full can also do so for a small fee. This streamlines the process of getting the immigrant released as well as the refund process when the case concludes.
Want to learn more about how immigration bond services in Florida work? Contact us at US Immigration Bonds now.