History Repeats Itself with Immigration Crisis

With all of the political strife that is going on because of the immigration crisis at the border, it is important that the US as a nation look back at its history, and realize that this is not something that is new. Yes, things are not good, and frankly, President Obama probably won’t recover from a blow this large, but none of this is anything new. When you live in a land where freedom is a right that you are born with, how can you expect anything less than for people to flock there by the thousands?

Many of the Americans that are against protecting the kiddos that are fleeing persecution from their home countries seem to forget where their roots come from. Unless they are 100% Native American, their ancestors came to this country for the same reason. The US was founded by people that were escaping religious persecution in their home countries. Once they got on US soil, they began to realize that the land that they chose was in fact the land for opportunity, and things began to boom. The thing is, America was founded on the principle of tolerance. And when did being American turn into sending children back to war torn countries?

There have been many influxes of people seeking asylum throughout the ages. First and foremost, there were the original founders that came to the US to avoid religious persecution. The US takes in more refugees than any other country in the developed world, and some believe that this is because they are oftentimes part of the reason the people are seeking refuge. With what is going on in Central America, some could interpret this as a possibility. The drugs and gang lords that have overtaken Central America are doing so to get their products into America. Whatever the reason, there is a steady flow of immigrant children, and many of them seeking asylum.

In the wake of all of the controversy from the humanitarian crisis, it is important that Americans remember that this is nothing new, and this should not be treated as a partisan issue, but rather a human issue.

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